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Freshfields Risk & Compliance

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UK Election: manifesto comparison for business – how do they stack up?

Last week the current governing Conservative Party and opposition Labour Party published their manifestos for the 4th July UK General Election.

Whilst much of the manifestos cover what you would call the parties’ “retail offer” to individuals to use on the doorstep when campaigning, our cross-practice team of experts have delved deeper into the manifestos to look at what the two parties’ plans might mean for business. 

You can read our comparison here. Whilst it is not exhaustive, we have sought to pick out the key policies across several different areas. 

The comparison is housed on the Freshfields 2024 Election Supercycle page. The page brings together all our thinking from our experts in a global year of elections.

If you would like to discuss any of the policies in more detail or what the UK Election might mean for business, please get in touch with your usual Freshfields contact. 


2024 elections, uk, political change