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Freshfields Risk & Compliance

| 1 minute read

What to expect in 2025? The EU regulatory landscape – 6 key developments

The banking and financial regulatory framework will continue to evolve rapidly in 2025 and shape the financial landscape. Banks and financial service providers must continue to focus on the implementation of numerous and far-reaching changes which will be introduced, among others, by the EU banking package (CRD VI//CRR III) implementing the final Basel III measures. In particular, the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) is fully applicable from the beginning of the year, establishing uniform EU-wide requirements for the public offering and admission to trading of crypto-assets and crypto-asset service providers. Furthermore, the implementation of the new DORA requirements that entered into force on 17 January 2025 will continue to pose challenges for affected companies, not least in light of the various Level II measures that are currently still in the making. In the area of sustainability laws, a legislative proposal for the end of February 2025 has been announced as part of the EU’s "Omnibus" initiative to strengthen the EU's competitiveness. In addition, banks and financial service providers should keep an eye on the implementation of the 6th EU Anti-Money Laundering Package, which includes, among others, the establishment of a central EU anti-money laundering supervisory authority (AMLA) that will commence its operations from 1 July 2025. 

This briefing (available here in German language) provides more insights on six selected hot topics in the areas of banking, securities/derivatives and payment supervision, anti-money laundering, digitalization and sustainability, which we expect for the new year.

Stay up to date to ensure compliance with the evolving regulatory framework. 

The cross-border Freshfields team is more than happy to keep you updated of the latest developments. Please get in touch if you have any questions.