8/13/2018 12:00:00 AM Document requests in EU merger cases By Thomas Wilson Luke Smith Document requests issued by the EU Commission (EC) have become common in complex EU merger cases. A few years ago, the EC would only ask...
8/10/2018 9:16:13 AM New Code of Best Practices for State aid procedures By Thomas Wilson On 16 July 2018, the EU Commission (EC) adopted its “Code of Best Practices for the conduct of State aid control procedure” (Best...
7/30/2018 12:00:00 AM Altice - Commission guidance on gun-jumping By Thomas Wilson Gun-jumping relates to the pre-mature implementation of a transaction prior to obtaining clearance from the relevant competition...
6/4/2018 12:00:00 AM EY / KPMG - The ECJ provides welcome guidance on the stand-still obligation in mergers By Thomas Wilson Speed read On 31 May 2018, the EU’s Court of Justice (ECJ) gave judgment in the EY / KPMG case on whether the EU suspension obligation...
1/29/2018 11:47:23 AM Antitrust deal risks in 2018 By Thomas Wilson As authorities worldwide step up enforcement of their merger control rules, companies planning deals in 2018 must pay even closer...
1/18/2018 5:53:23 PM AG Wahl in EY/KPMG - the latest on gun-jumping By Thomas Wilson Most merger control regimes provide for so-called stand-still obligations, i.e. the parties cannot implement the transaction until the...
11/16/2017 12:00:00 AM Cooperation and information exchange: innovating in a connected world By Thomas Wilson The new digital economy will involve significant cooperation between competitors and data sharing / pooling to a much larger extent than...
10/3/2017 8:33:23 AM Document disclosure in international antitrust investigations By Thomas Wilson The approach to access to file and who can receive what information can deviate by jurisdiction which can be particularly relevant in...