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Understanding corporate criminal liability risks across the globe

The sources of criminal enforcement risk for multinationals have evolved significantly in recent years, with new offences aimed at companies, more robust laws and a growing appetite among authorities to use criminal law to hold corporations to account. 

One dominant trend is the growth in countries introducing deferred prosecution agreements or similar arrangements, which can be a pre-cursor to increased enforcement action. 

Global companies must actively manage their criminal law risks in all regions within which they operate. To help companies understand and respond to this fast-evolving business risk we have produced a cross-border guide to corporate criminal liability and enforcement, which explains the overarching global trends and the corporate crime landscape in seventeen jurisdictions. 

To provide a 360 degree view of the issues involved, we have pulled together insights of some of our partners and counsel – including former prosecutors and seasoned defence lawyers –to create an anatomy of a corporate criminal investigation. We look at what’s driving authorities around the world to use criminal law against companies, how corporate investigations start, and how businesses should respond if enforcement agencies come calling.

Find out more about our corporate crime team here.


anti-bribery, anti-corruption, tax evasion, dpas, serious fraud office, us department of justice, doj, sfo, corporate crime