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Freshfields Risk & Compliance

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ESG dispute risk for financial institutions: A global picture


Climate litigation and other ESG risks are on the rise around the world for corporates and financial institutions.  In the EU and UK a broad range of claims is emerging against companies, directors, pension trustees, banks and even regulators, including claims alleging inadequate climate or transition commitments, misleading disclosures or advertising, failing to take sufficient account of ESG factors in investment decisions and failing to conduct adequate due diligence on particular client relationships.  Whilst firms face similar claims in the US, there are also additional dispute risks in announcing and pursuing climate or broader ESG goals. 


This was the topic of the latest Freshfields FS webinar held today. Simon Orton, Anne-Laure Vincent, Nathalie Colin, Mijke Sinninghe Damsté, Anthea Bowater, Stefanie Fay and Elvira Sihvola (from Europe and the US) had a lively discussion showing the range of disputes emerging around the world. They discussed key developments, emerging trends and where we see the key risks going forward.


To discuss this and related topics, please get in touch with one of the speakers below or your usual Freshfields contact.



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esg, sustainability, financial services, financial services litigation