6/29/2017 8:55:27 AM UK human rights in a post-Brexit world By Alex Harrison-Cripps The Democratic Unionist Party has recently agreed with the Conservative Party to “support the government on legislation pertaining to the...
6/28/2017 12:31:33 PM Integration planning and pre-closing conduct: gun-jumping risks By Thomas Wilson Complex transactions are subject to an increased level of antitrust scrutiny by competition authorities. This often results in extended...
6/28/2017 12:00:00 AM ECJ grapples with causative principles in the pharmaceutical context By Sunjay Bhudia In an decision issued on Wednesday 21 June (Case C-621/15 - N.W, L.W, C.W v Sanofi Pasteur MSD SNC), the ECJ has attempted to grapple, in...
6/26/2017 12:00:00 AM The Pirate Bay – A Communication to the Public By Brad Hudson The CJEU has held that making available and managing a peer-to-peer file-sharing site like ‘The Pirate Bay’ may be copyright...
6/21/2017 4:26:11 PM Queen’s Speech: Consumer protection still high on HMG’s agenda By Hannah Walker Gore The Queen’s Speech today continued to emphasise the importance of consumer protection in the government’s legislative agenda. The...
6/21/2017 4:03:48 PM Queen’s Speech confirms importance of EU data protection regime for the UK By Carryn Vincec Although somewhat overshadowed by the eight Brexit-related Bills, today’s Queen’s Speech announced the government’s plans for a new Data...
6/19/2017 12:00:00 AM TUPE or not TUPE? By Kate Pumfrey A sale of shares in a company will not ordinarily engage the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (as...
6/12/2017 2:22:16 PM European Commission publishes REFIT analysis of EU consumer law By Ian Jones The European Commission recently published the findings of its analysis of EU consumer law rules, following its review of six consumer...
6/12/2017 8:41:58 AM Diversity in international arbitration initiative marks one-year anniversary By Natalie Sheehan A year since the launch of the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge, the international arbitration community celebrates its...
6/8/2017 12:00:00 AM Six Questions Everyone Should Ask About Legal Privileges By Alan Guy It is a scenario that happens all too often within global businesses: upon hearing of potential misconduct or a possible legal dispute,...
6/7/2017 12:00:00 AM EU Commission consults on database law By Michael Haynes The European Commission has launched a public consultation on whether to change the Database Directive, which gives legal protection to...
6/5/2017 4:37:27 PM Privilege in the spotlight...again By Thomas Clark Legal professional privilege (LPP) has once again been in the spotlight in Europe, with three decisions in the UK and Germany in the last...