6/30/2021 1:48:55 PM City Week 2021: financial crime – the latest regulatory and enforcement trends By Christopher Robinson On day 2 of this year’s virtual City Week event, I was joined by investigators and regulators to discuss the latest developments in...
6/30/2021 11:18:09 AM Can estoppel undermine reliance on a contractual time bar? By Kim Rosenberg Stefan Pislevik Notice requirements and corresponding time bars are common to construction contracts. Whilst the enforcement of time bars may have harsh...
6/29/2021 3:47:38 PM City Week 2021: Cryptoasset custody – the legal and regulatory position By Sharon Grennan On the opening day of the 2021 City Week conference, Freshfields partners Mark Kalderon and Cyrus Pocha, and senior associate Claire...
6/28/2021 3:07:21 PM Greener Litigation in England and Wales By Sarah Parkes Today marks the launch of the Greener Litigation Pledge, and I am delighted that Freshfields is one of the founding signatories. The last...
6/24/2021 4:49:26 PM EU tightens sanctions grip on Belarus: broad restrictions imposed on key economic sectors By Lukas Pomaroli Iris Hammerschmid The EU has agreed on broad economic sanctions against Belarus as a response to the forced landing of a civil flight to arrest an exiled...
6/23/2021 3:28:00 PM Incorporation of an arbitration clause by reference to FIDIC Conditions of Contract in UAE-seated arbitration: a trap for the wary to heed? By Amani Khalifa Sarah Sedky Matt Evans In a recent judgment, the Dubai Court of Cassation (the highest court in the Emirate of Dubai) ruled that incorporating the 1987 FIDIC...
6/22/2021 3:15:54 PM DB transfer advice - more complaints on the horizon? By Andrew Murphy Lauren Jackson Amy Rentell In 2019, the UK's FCA commissioned an in-depth review into defined benefit (DB) pension transfer advice. Since that time, there has been...
6/18/2021 3:13:24 PM Belgium’s ‘climate case’: Court finds Belgian state at fault but offers no guidance on how to reduce GHG emissions By Nathalie Colin Dimitri Lecat Emmanuelle Brunelle Jonathan Isted Cat Greenwood-Smith +2 more... Show less The French-speaking Court of First Instance in Brussels (‘the Court’) has decided that the Belgian public authorities had failed to...
6/18/2021 10:30:22 AM BCBS consults on the prudential treatment of cryptoasset exposures By Michael Raffan Last week, whilst El Salvador was contemplating reforms that should eventually allow Bitcoin to be used for everyday payments, a thousand...
6/18/2021 3:59:57 AM Hong Kong to introduce new mandatory licensing regime to regulate virtual asset exchanges By Kristie Chung Matthew O'Callaghan On 21 May 2021, the Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau (FSTB) published its consultation conclusions on the...
6/16/2021 5:31:08 PM France: infrastructure investment blocked for a mere change of incentives unrelated to a lessening of competition By Jérôme Philippe Petya Katsarska Alice Cabourdin On 12 May 2021, the French competition authority (FCA) prohibited a concentration for the second time in its history, relying on an...
6/16/2021 12:28:08 PM Avoiding own goals in UK litigation: the need for gatekeepers to do their job By Chris Spiller Sarah Parkes In the recent case of Dana UK Axle Ltd (Dana) v Freudenberg FST GmbH (FST) the court excluded expert evidence from a trial. This is a...