11/30/2021 3:51:28 PM Clara superfund open for business following Regulator approval By Andrew Murphy Samuel Taylor The UK Pensions Regulator (the Regulator) has today announced that Clara, a ‘superfund’ solution for UK defined benefit pension schemes,...
11/29/2021 11:33:52 AM Tax matters podcast: Digital taxes and trade wars – will the OECD/G20 agreement bring tax peace? By Brin Rajathurai Katharina Kubik Lorand Bartels Joshua Critchlow +1 more... Show less In recent years, the US has watched the spread of unilateral digital taxes across the world with concern, seeing them as unfairly...
11/26/2021 1:02:52 PM Eurozone banks told to do more to tackle climate change risks By Daniel Klingenbrunn Falko Glasow When the ECB announced its Guide on climate-related and environmental risks in November 2020 together with 13 supervisory expectations on...
11/25/2021 12:03:04 PM Hot tax topics for the Industrial Sector: Revolutionary changes to the international tax framework By Paul Davison David Beutel Bob van Kasteren More than 130 countries have come to agreement on the largest overhaul of international tax rules in more than 100 years. Under the...
11/25/2021 9:55:17 AM Extreme weather events and the risk of delay and disruption on construction projects By Jon Gilbert Tom Hutchison Elizabeth Forster Alexia Millett +1 more... Show less In our previous blog post, we considered how extreme weather events could give rise to an increase in the number of disputes on major...
11/24/2021 2:48:40 PM Insurance: adapting to the ESG framework and innovating to stay ahead By Priti Lancaster George Swan 2021 has seen ESG become a priority topic for many insurers, who have already taken significant steps to commit to more ethical and...
11/22/2021 1:34:11 PM UK Verticals Reform: An Added Layer of Complexity for International Companies By Richard Flanagan Alex Potter Deirdre Trapp Contrary to the traditional position in the US, the EU has long had a focus on the competitive effects of vertical agreements and...
11/22/2021 1:08:39 PM UK Investment Association sets out expectations for the 2022 AGM season By Alice Greenwell David Mendel Amy Rentell The Investment Association (the IA) publishes and periodically updates a set of principles on executive remuneration and long-term...
11/19/2021 4:14:22 PM Belgium’s ‘climate case’ – Klimaatzaak files an appeal to "force Belgium to act" By Nathalie Colin David Zygas In a recent decision, the French-speaking Court of First Instance in Brussels decided, at the request of the non-profit organisation...
11/19/2021 9:41:13 AM EU COVID-19 Temporary Framework for State Aid: Sixth amendment By Jonas Levermann Andreas von Bonin Susanna Brintrup Clémence Coppin +1 more... Show less On 18 October 2021, the EU Commission published the sixth amendment to its Temporary Framework for State aid measures to support the...
11/18/2021 4:28:37 AM China’s Anti-Monopoly Law 2.0: expect uptick in enforcement and higher fines By Hazel Yin Ninette Dodoo Alastair Mordaunt Wenting Ge +1 more... Show less China’s National People’s Congress (the country's legislature) recently published a second round of amendments to the country’s...
11/15/2021 1:54:53 PM OFSI PUBLISHES ITS 2020/21 ANNUAL REVIEW – KEY TAKEAWAYS By Daniel Gruenwald Eid-Daniel Jadon The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI), which is responsible for implementing financial sanctions and issuing sanctions...