7/31/2023 2:18:48 PM WorkLife 2.0: Austria’s New Whistleblower Protection Act – Part 2 By Leonhard Prasser Agnieszka Branding On 25 February 2023, Austria’s Whistleblower Protection Act (Act) entered into force. The Act transposes the EU Whistleblowing Directive...
7/27/2023 11:01:42 AM Most recent UK Life Sciences Competitiveness Indicators highlight key areas for reform and investment By Harriet Hanks Andrew Austin Sanjana Canumalla This time last year we analysed the UK Government’s annual Life Sciences Competitiveness Indicators (LSCIs) report alongside the MHRA’s...
7/26/2023 1:11:51 PM A transforming landscape: Collective Actions in Data and Tech By Mijke Sinninghe Damsté Jelle Drok Mark Egeler Marco Vogels Basya Klinger David De Bock +3 more... Show less It is generally acknowledged that the Netherlands is a popular forum for various types of class actions. As of 25 June 2023, the...
7/24/2023 4:18:10 PM Investment funds: an evolving front line in macroprudential regulation By Andrew Marsh Regulators and standard-setters, domestic and international, are worrying about the potential for investment funds to pose risks to...
7/24/2023 4:08:34 PM More legislative changes impacting employers in Spain: Are you considering a termination of activities? Then you need to read this! By Raquel Flórez If we thought that in Spain there would be no further surprises for employment lawyers this legislative term, we were wrong! Last week,...
7/21/2023 2:33:01 PM Unlocking the potential of pension schemes as investors in growth – the Chancellor’s Mansion House speech By Charles Magoffin Andrew Murphy Gareth Davies Amelia Lamp +1 more... Show less For some time, Government figures have increasingly been raising the role of pension schemes as investors in connection with the wider...
7/21/2023 8:56:34 AM Understanding the definition of investment advice under MiFID – ESMA revises 13-year-old guidance By Marius Raetz Alicia Hildner It has been a while since the CESR guidelines on “Understanding the definition of advice under MiFID” were published. To be precise, 13...
7/20/2023 3:49:58 PM Sanctioning of companies for corruption offences under new EU draft directive By Lea Babucke Nathalie Colin Béatrice Collette Louise Couret Laura Feldman Florence Fruhling Thomas Kustor Federico Mercuri Marcel Michaelis Elena Salsi Daniel Travers Silvia Van Dyck Anne-Laure Vincent Marco Vogels +11 more... Show less The European Commission recently introduced a new package of anti-corruption measures, which it refers to as ‘milestone in the fight...
7/18/2023 10:10:37 AM Worklife 2.0: Employers of record – the sky is the limit? Part 6 – Restrictive covenants By Alice Greenwell Rachel Harris We are considering employers of record (EoRs) in our Worklife 2.0 series (see our previous blog posts here, here, here, here and here)....
7/14/2023 1:11:50 PM UK Supreme Court rejects extension of Quincecare duty and clarifies its juridical basis By Anthea Bowater Sarah Robinson Christine Simpson Nicole Looi +1 more... Show less In the important judgment in Philipp v Barclays Bank plc handed down this week, the UK Supreme Court has rejected the extension of a...
7/14/2023 10:07:46 AM Worklife 2.0: The Effective Collective - Striking just got even more disruptive By Harriet Gaillard From July 2022, businesses were allowed, for the first time in decades, to use agency workers to replace striking employees. Yesterday,...
7/12/2023 9:02:38 AM EU’s foreign subsidies regime officially kicks off – a new chapter for M&A and public procurement in the EU By Andreas von Bonin Merit Olthoff Martin McElwee Paul van den Berg Vanessa van Weelden Aytaç Çelebi Joanna Goyder +4 more... Show less On 10 July 2023, the European Commission (Commission) published the much-awaited final version of the Implementing Regulation on...