11/28/2019 12:00:00 AM EU "class actions": the Council finally plays its hand By Andrew Austin Back in April, my colleague Eugene and I posted about the slow progress of the EU’s new, and highly controversial, draft Directive on...
11/27/2019 12:00:00 AM What’s next? The von der Leyen Commission’s ambitious plans for Europe... By Natalie Pettinger Kearney Christiaan Smits On 1 December, finally, the new European Commission will take office, after much back and forth with especially the European Parliament...
11/26/2019 10:57:37 AM Dutch Court: no legal privilege for in-house counsel if GC is a member of management By Marco Vogels Last month, the Rotterdam District Court ruled that fifteen in-house lawyers of an oil major working in the Netherlands, Nigeria and the...
11/26/2019 12:00:00 AM Resource nationalism on the rise? 10 issues for mining companies and their investors to consider By Sylvia Noury KC Joshua Kelly “African countries which, up until now, showed less tendency towards resource nationalism are now trying their luck … There is a...
11/22/2019 3:24:38 PM Freshfields hosts 34th annual Freshfields and Queen Mary University arbitration lecture By Ashley Jones Over 400 practitioners, academics and other members of the arbitration community gathered at Freshfields’ London offices on Wednesday...
11/15/2019 12:00:00 AM PPI mis-selling: UK High Court dismisses judicial review of FOS decision to reject complaint By Emilio Salice In R (Critchley) v Financial Ombudsman Service Limited, the High Court has dismissed an application for judicial review of a FOS decision...
11/14/2019 12:00:00 AM P&O drops claim against Eurotunnel and UK Government in respect of Brexit ferry capacity contract settlement By Michael Quayle On 4 November 2019, P&O Ferries agreed to drop its claim against the UK Department for Transport (DfT) and Eurotunnel regarding the...
11/11/2019 10:11:07 AM New consent requirements for the payment of dividends by UK public companies? By Lauren Jackson The last week of October marked another interesting development in the increasing focus on the payment of dividends by companies which...
11/11/2019 9:27:07 AM Meat 2.0: The regulatory environment of artificial meat in the European Union By Astrid Seehafer In 2019, plant-based meat has achieved its commercial breakthrough – in restaurants, fast food chains and in retail. At the same time,...
11/11/2019 12:00:00 AM UK Supreme Court on banks’ Quincecare duty of care By Anthea Bowater On 30 October 2019 the Supreme Court of England and Wales handed down its decision in Singularis Holdings Limited (In Official...
11/5/2019 11:09:33 AM Attention UK remuneration committees: highlights from the updated IA Principles of Remuneration By Regina Erie On 1 November 2019, the Investment Association (the “IA”) published the updated IA Principles of Remuneration (the “Principles”) setting...
11/4/2019 3:53:05 PM Innovation risks: legal implications of new technologies By Astrid Seehafer Ramya Arnold Paul Abbott A new drone enters a market, a self-driving car is developed – what are the legal threats which can arise during the lifetime of such...