10/30/2020 12:56:19 PM Common ownership: back on the regulatory agenda? By Koo Asakura Andrew Layland The Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the European Commission’s (Commission’s) science and knowledge service published a report on common...
10/30/2020 12:00:00 AM ‘The role of international law in addressing climate change: where next?’ – 2020 Freshfields Annual Public International Law Seminar By Will Thomas Joshua Kelly Amanda Neil On Wednesday 28 October 2020, a diverse audience of government and private sector legal advisers, international law practitioners and...
10/29/2020 3:21:21 PM Clarifying the DSAR landscape – new guidance from the ICO By Amy Rentell Guy Huffen The right of individuals to access their personal data has been a fundamental facet of data protection law for a number of decades, with...
10/29/2020 12:00:00 AM UK SFO releases guidance on deferred prosecution agreements: three areas of focus By Caroline Doherty de Novoa A newly released update to the SFO’s Operational Handbook on deferred prosecution agreements provides a high level road-map for DPA...
10/28/2020 12:00:00 AM Pension Superfunds: New guidance issued by TPR By Andrew Murphy Gareth Davies Rose Pollard On 21 October 2020, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) published updated guidance for trustees and employers considering a transaction...
10/28/2020 12:00:00 AM Confidentiality in investment-treaty arbitration: the Singapore position By Rohit Bhat Nicholas Lingard The Singapore High Court on 8 October 2020 delivered an important ruling that discusses confidentiality in investment-treaty arbitration....
10/27/2020 12:00:00 AM Insurance and COVID-19 – the UK FCA's increasing focus on consumer protection By Emily Smith Daniel Newton James Smethurst The focus of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on consumer protection is not new. As one of the three objectives of the FCA, it...
10/26/2020 12:00:00 AM UK sanctions regulator turns four: the 2019-2020 annual review By Tahleel Lateef Neil Donovan The Office of Financial Sanctions Enforcement (OFSI) has published its 2019/2020 annual review, covering the period April 2019 to March...
10/23/2020 3:03:43 PM All change for the Job Support Scheme as the UK Government announces revised terms By Nicholas Squire Alice Greenwell Holly Insley David Mendel Kate Pumfrey +2 more... Show less The Chancellor of the Exchequer yesterday announced a further revamp of the Job Support Scheme (JSS), the financial support scheme for...
10/23/2020 12:00:00 AM Spain pushes for greater workplace gender equality By Raquel Flórez Last week, Spain adopted two new laws to ensure gender equality in the workplace, one concerning equality plans, the other equal...
10/22/2020 10:18:47 AM Opening the floodgates on moving away from EU law? By Ashmita Garrett The UK Government has decided that more UK courts should be able to depart from decisions of the European Court of Justice when the...
10/20/2020 6:51:47 AM Listening to the ‘voice of financial crime risk’ and combatting the online exploitation of children By Matthew O'Callaghan Rebecca Sambrook Sam Johnson Recent AML enforcement in Australia sends a strong message on financial crime compliance in the context of protecting children online...