11/13/2020 12:00:00 AM Admitting facts and abusing process: regulatory settlements and subsequent litigation By Daniel Hunt Rose Goss Xander Friedlaender Can it be an abuse of process for a party benefitting from a regulatory settlement to deny (or not admit) a fact it admitted in that...
12/7/2018 11:09:54 AM Court of Appeal clarifies meaning of “conducting litigation” By Rebecca Fenning The Court of Appeal, in WH Holding Ltd & Anor v E20 Stadium LLP, has handed down judgment clarifying the meaning of “conducting...
3/2/2018 12:00:00 AM Age discrimination and incentive schemes - English Court of Appeal judgment By Harriet Gaillard The Court of Appeal has confirmed that it is open to an employer to objectively justify including ‘retirement’ as a good leaver reason in...
1/4/2018 10:05:20 AM Whistleblowing: Are judges protected? By Chantelle Nicholas The English Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Gilham v Ministry of Justice, which states that judges are not protected by...
7/13/2017 12:00:00 AM Whistleblowing: three recent developments By Chantelle Nicholas It’s been a busy few weeks for whistleblowing news. Here is a round-up of three key developments: FCA whistleblowing reports: The number...
2/10/2017 12:00:00 AM The courts continue to give basic employment rights to people engaged as independent contractors By David Mendel The Court of Appeal has today handed down its judgment in the Pimlico Plumbers v Smith case. They found that Mr Smith, a plumber, was a...