6/4/2018 12:00:00 AM EY / KPMG - The ECJ provides welcome guidance on the stand-still obligation in mergers By Thomas Wilson Speed read On 31 May 2018, the EU’s Court of Justice (ECJ) gave judgment in the EY / KPMG case on whether the EU suspension obligation...
4/27/2018 12:00:00 AM Fines jump higher for "gun jumping" - European Commission fines Altice €124.5 million By Sneha Ramakrishnan With complex merger reviews now taking 6-15 months, buyers can face lengthy periods between signing and closing, when they bear...
1/29/2018 11:47:23 AM Antitrust deal risks in 2018 By Thomas Wilson As authorities worldwide step up enforcement of their merger control rules, companies planning deals in 2018 must pay even closer...
1/18/2018 5:53:23 PM AG Wahl in EY/KPMG - the latest on gun-jumping By Thomas Wilson Most merger control regimes provide for so-called stand-still obligations, i.e. the parties cannot implement the transaction until the...
6/28/2017 12:31:33 PM Integration planning and pre-closing conduct: gun-jumping risks By Thomas Wilson Complex transactions are subject to an increased level of antitrust scrutiny by competition authorities. This often results in extended...