5/14/2021 12:00:00 AM Do not interfere! : the High Court of England & Wales restates the (very limited) circumstances for challenging an on-demand bond call By Robert Colvin Jamie Calvy Kate Gough Daisy Wootten +1 more... Show less An “on demand” bond imposes a primary obligation on the issuer (usually a bank) to pay when the beneficiary makes a compliant written...
2/2/2021 12:00:00 AM Performance Guarantees – Resisting a Demand under FIDIC Contracts By Tom Hutchison Thembela Ndwandwe Shannon O’Neill In any economic downturn, there is usually an increase in the number of demands made throughout supply chains and in particular by owners...
1/21/2021 12:00:00 AM Does the Supreme Court’s Halliburton judgment make a splash in the pool of arbitrators for global project arbitrations? By Amani Khalifa Matt Evans On 27 November 2020, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd (formerly known as...
12/16/2020 1:35:53 PM Procuring UK major projects: does the advent of “value-based procurement” herald a loosening of the public purse strings? By Robert Colvin Kate Gough Last week the UK government published its Construction Playbook which sets out guidance for the future sourcing and contracting of public...
2/27/2020 12:00:00 AM Bid rigging and cartel activity in construction – recently issued CMA guidance in the UK By Vanessa Medina Jane Jenkins The recently published Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) guidance provides practical advice on how to avoid bid rigging and cartel...
12/2/2016 3:49:56 PM Managing Political and Supply Chain Risk in Major Projects: navigating tender processes and debarment risk By Dominic Jones A major project will often involve some form of regulated tender process – whether governed by national law or the rules of an...