12/9/2022 8:15:53 PM The Edinburgh Reforms: A Love Rekindled By James Smethurst Michael Raffan Claire Harrop It’s a modern love story: a strong, mutually beneficial partnership where each party grew and nurtured the other over the years; then one...
10/18/2022 10:18:24 AM Revoking and reforming Retained EU Law – a new Bill By Lloyd Rees Just before the Conference Recess, the UK Government introduced a long-promised Bill dealing with the revocation and reform of Retained...
2/10/2017 12:00:00 AM The courts continue to give basic employment rights to people engaged as independent contractors By David Mendel The Court of Appeal has today handed down its judgment in the Pimlico Plumbers v Smith case. They found that Mr Smith, a plumber, was a...
2/9/2017 12:00:00 AM Inquiry into self-employment and the gig economy continues apace By Sunjay Bhudia This week saw the UK’s inquiry into self-employment and the gig economy, led by the former Downing Street adviser Matthew Taylor, step up...