9/21/2022 10:55:55 AM "The sum of all I can, I have disclosed": how to understand if something is within your "possession or power" By Francesco Palma Complying with an information notice from the UK's HMRC can be a delicate balancing act. After having spent weeks in informal...
6/8/2021 8:26:24 AM Selecting presiding arbitrators: how parties can seek to agree on a mutually acceptable candidate By Eric Leikin Clemens Treichl In today’s arbitral practice, major commercial disputes are typically resolved by tribunals consisting of three members. While each side...
5/13/2021 11:35:54 AM Berkeley Square v Lancer: A reassessment of the exceptions to the without prejudice rule under English law By Anthea Bowater Daniel Gold In Berkeley Square Holdings Limited & Others v Lancer Property Asset Management Limited & Others, the English Court of Appeal has upheld...
4/23/2021 7:59:43 AM UK Jurisdiction Taskforce publishes groundbreaking Digital Dispute Resolution Rules By Roopa Mathews On 22 April 2021 the UK Jurisdiction Taskforce, chaired by Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls, published its Digital Dispute...
2/17/2021 2:45:42 PM International arbitration: top trends in 2021 By Ashley Jones We are delighted to share the sixth edition of our annual top trends analysis: International Arbitration: top trends in 2021. Our...
7/15/2020 1:27:10 PM Russia: new law affects arbitration agreements concluded with parties targeted by sanctions By Alexey Yadykin A new Russian statute has changed the rules relevant to arbitration and choice-of-court agreements for disputes involving Russian parties...
5/12/2020 12:00:00 AM Losing WP privilege: two narrow exceptions in the spotlight in the UK By Daniel Gold Anthea Bowater Exceptions to the without prejudice rule are notoriously restricted, given that the fundamental premise of the rule is that litigants...
11/20/2018 12:00:00 AM Extension to access to FOS By Tom Luck On 16 October 2018, the FCA published near-final rules to expand access to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for small and...
11/1/2018 4:55:48 PM The new Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea: New Opportunities and New Challenges By Daniel Müller Ketevan Betaneli Ketevan Betaneli and Daniel Müller A new legal regime for the Caspian Sea Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union at the beginning of...
9/6/2018 12:00:00 AM Investment protection and dispute resolution on the Belt and Road By Joshua Kelly Mariia Puchyna Christopher Pugh Joshua Kelly and Mariia Puchyna China goes global – what is the Belt and Road Initiative? As discussed in our 'Top Trends in...
2/8/2017 12:00:00 AM Looking ahead: what are the key trends for international arbitration in 2017? By Elizabeth Snodgrass 2016 was a time of much, sometimes dramatic, political change, including the unexpected result in the UK’s Brexit referendum and the...