2/12/2025 8:44:35 PM German Election #4: Real estate and rental policies By Alex Schmidtke On 23 February 2025, almost 60 million German voters will elect a new federal parliament in snap elections after the collapse of the...
2/12/2025 3:06:50 PM German Election #1: Dedicated Briefings and Overviews By Alex Schmidtke On 23 February 2025, almost 60 million German voters will elect a new federal parliament in snap elections after the collapse of the...
3/8/2024 12:28:20 PM Spring Budget 2024: The Hunt for Blue October By Alison Dickie Laura Western In an unusually rowdy House of Commons, the Chancellor delivered what will be his last Spring Budget before a UK general election widely...
7/7/2023 1:11:09 PM Are time bars a draconian regime? By Kim Rosenberg Ann Matthias The DIFC Court’s decision in Panther Real Estate Development LLC v Modern Executive Systems Contracting LLC and a comparison between the...
10/5/2022 4:09:06 PM ESG and more - BaFin updates its MaRisk By Holger Hartenfels Falko Glasow Jan Struckmann On 26 September 2022, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin)...
8/10/2022 7:30:00 AM What’s the impact of the proposed restrictions to the UK sovereign immunity tax exemption? By Alison Dickie May Smith The UK government recently published an unexpected consultation setting out proposals to both legislate and reform the existing UK...
2/22/2022 12:17:00 PM New Spanish housing law: lots of theory and some specific measures By Fernando Soto Ana Julia Garcia Late in 2020 we blogged about the Spanish government (a left-wing coalition between the Socialist Party and Unidas Podemos) announcing...
10/12/2021 10:37:05 AM Rent control measures in Spain: government reveals law’s final details By Fernando Soto Ana Julia Garcia Late last year we blogged about the Spanish government (a left-wing coalition between the Socialist party and Unidas Podemos) announcing...
11/12/2020 5:12:47 PM Rent controls in Spain: new nationwide proposals set to follow recent Catalonia changes By Fernando Soto Ana Julia Garcia The Spanish government (a left-wing coalition between the Socialist party and Unidas Podemos) has announced plans to implement rent...
6/18/2020 12:00:00 AM COVID-19 and commercial leases in Italy: an important judgment By Fabrizio Arossa Federico Mercuri Valerio Letizia On 29 May 2020, the Court of Rome ruled on the interim-relief application brought by a commercial tenant seeking to be discharged from...
4/29/2020 5:01:27 PM COVID-19: Spanish commercial and industrial leases By Ana Julia Garcia By virtue of Royal Decree-Law 15/2020 (‘the decree’), published on 23 April 2020, the Spanish government has adopted a moratorium to help...
3/27/2020 3:46:34 PM Spain’s coronavirus hotel closures: mitigating the risks By Ana Julia Garcia By virtue of Royal Decree 463/2020 (‘the decree’), published on 14 March 2020, the Spanish government has declared a state of emergency...