6/12/2023 9:10:37 AM Emergency arbitration and construction disputes: key takeaways from recent roundtable discussion in Rome By Erin Miller Rankin Matei Purice Valerio Letizia On 30 May 2023, Freshfields organised, jointly with HKA, a construction roundtable event focusing on new trends and challenges in global...
7/7/2021 11:18:03 AM Recent changes to UAE bankruptcy law: the impact on the construction industry By Amr Omran Following the substantial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global trade and business operations in the UAE, the Government of the UAE...
6/30/2021 11:18:09 AM Can estoppel undermine reliance on a contractual time bar? By Kim Rosenberg Stefan Pislevik Notice requirements and corresponding time bars are common to construction contracts. Whilst the enforcement of time bars may have harsh...
6/2/2021 11:10:10 AM Maximising the impact of fact witnesses in global projects disputes By Matei Purice Tala Fahoum Benjamin Guest Construction disputes are typically fact intensive. While documents are generally the preferred source of evidence, in global projects,...
5/14/2021 12:00:00 AM Do not interfere! : the High Court of England & Wales restates the (very limited) circumstances for challenging an on-demand bond call By Robert Colvin Jamie Calvy Kate Gough Daisy Wootten +1 more... Show less An “on demand” bond imposes a primary obligation on the issuer (usually a bank) to pay when the beneficiary makes a compliant written...
2/9/2021 10:05:07 AM Know your liquidated damages regimes: the latest from the Singapore Court of Appeal By Samantha Lord Hill Kiyashni Kollapen Alexia Millett Liquidated damages (LDs) or penalty regimes are where parties often come unstuck. While privity of contract enables parties to agree a...
2/2/2021 12:00:00 AM Performance Guarantees – Resisting a Demand under FIDIC Contracts By Tom Hutchison Thembela Ndwandwe Shannon O’Neill In any economic downturn, there is usually an increase in the number of demands made throughout supply chains and in particular by owners...
12/16/2020 1:35:53 PM Procuring UK major projects: does the advent of “value-based procurement” herald a loosening of the public purse strings? By Robert Colvin Kate Gough Last week the UK government published its Construction Playbook which sets out guidance for the future sourcing and contracting of public...