12/22/2022 2:29:08 PM ESG metrics in variable remuneration – Great Expectations (and how to meet them) By Alice Greenwell David Mendel Regina Erie Amy Rentell +1 more... Show less In recent months, institutional investors and proxy advisors, including the Investment Association (the IA), Legal & General Investment...
9/7/2021 7:40:46 PM WorkLife 2.0: Workers' Share Schemes? By Regina Erie There is no question that the world of work has changed with the rise of the gig economy, and with the increasing prevalence of...
9/3/2021 1:51:35 PM WorkLife 2.0: CIPD and HPC July 2021 Report on UK RemCo reform By David Mendel Jia Xie Roger Strachan The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) and the High Pay Centre (HPC) published a report over the summer setting out...
7/26/2021 3:20:40 PM EBA publishes revised guidelines on sound remuneration policies By David Mendel Kate Pumfrey Amy Rentell Alice Jenner +1 more... Show less On 2 July 2021, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the final report on its guidelines on sound remuneration policies...
7/26/2021 3:05:48 PM UK Pension Schemes Act 2021: moral hazard powers update By Dawn Heath Tharusha Rajapakse Eloise Rennie At a glance Over the last few weeks there have been two key developments in relation to the widening of the UK Pensions Regulator’s (the...
3/1/2021 2:36:13 PM UK Investment Association publishes an addendum to their guidance on shareholder expectations during the COVID-19 pandemic By Alice Greenwell Holly Insley David Mendel Kate Pumfrey Sarah Prickett +2 more... Show less On 24 February 2021, the Investment Association published an addendum to their guidance on shareholder expectations during the COVID-19...
11/17/2020 12:00:00 AM UK Investment Association releases latest remuneration principles and guidance By Alice Greenwell Holly Insley David Mendel Kate Pumfrey Jia Xie +2 more... Show less The Investment Association has announced the release of its latest Principles of Remuneration ('the Principles') setting out its members’...
8/19/2020 1:29:29 PM Mind the equal pay gap – the material factor defence in the context of company rescue By Rebecca Webster The recent UK Court of Appeal case of Walker v Co-operative Group has looked in detail at the “material factor” defence in an equal pay...
4/27/2020 12:00:00 AM UK PLC and executive pay – Investment Association issues COVID-19 guidance to remuneration committees By Alice Greenwell Nicholas Squire Kathleen Healy David Mendel Holly Insley Kate Pumfrey +3 more... Show less The Investment Association (the IA) has answered calls to set out how it expects remuneration committees to be addressing some of the...
4/8/2020 12:00:00 AM COVID-19: dividends and distributions for insurers By Priti Lancaster Carl Hotton A number of UK insurers have today announced that they will not pay dividends to shareholders. This step has been welcomed by the...
1/22/2020 9:28:24 AM UK remuneration policy renewal: 10 top points to check this year By Alice Greenwell Charles Smye Guy Huffen As the 2020 AGM season fast approaches, we set out below our top 10 issues to consider if you are renewing your remuneration policy this...
11/5/2019 11:09:33 AM Attention UK remuneration committees: highlights from the updated IA Principles of Remuneration By Regina Erie On 1 November 2019, the Investment Association (the “IA”) published the updated IA Principles of Remuneration (the “Principles”) setting...